Our uniform policy reflects our values and reinforces our academy’s culture of high expectations and academic achievement. All pupils must dress according to the Uniform Policy. Our academy uniform is important to us. It is one way in which we identify ourselves as an academy community and it promotes a strong and cohesive academy identity which supports high standards in all areas of academy life. Finally it promotes harmony between different groups represented in the academy, and enhances security. We have a required academy uniform for several reasons:
- Uniforms unite the academy. Pupils make a commitment that when they put on their Ark Brunel uniform they will abide by the rules of the community.
- Uniforms reduce distractions. We are focused on achieving success. When pupils are allowed to wear their own clothing, there is the potential to talk about fashions and styles rather than learning.
- Uniforms make us all equal. Whether families have high incomes or low incomes, the pupils come to the academy looking the same way. No one has to feel bad about the clothes they have or don’t have.
- Uniforms look professional, pupils look neat and ready to learn.
We ask parents and carers to support all decisions by academy staff regarding whether or not clothing is appropriate or inappropriate for school.
Uniform requirements
Reception - Year 6:
Please note that items marked # can only be bought from Ace Clothing. Items marked * can be bought from high street shops or supermarkets.
Autumn & Spring Terms
- Grey or burgundy jumper/cardigan with academy logo # (the burgundy knitwear is being phased out, though items can still be purchased at a 30% discount while stock lasts)
- White shirt * with school tie # (elasticated for Rec - Year 2, standard for Years 3-6)
- Grey trousers / skirt / pinafore dress *
- Grey, black or white socks. Grey or black tights*
- Grey blazer with academy logo # (optional for Year 3 and Y4, compulsory for Year 5 and Year 6)
- Black school shoes * (no trainers)
Summer Term
- A white shirt * (long or short sleeved) with school tie #, OR a white polo shirt without a tie
- Light blue gingham dress * can be worn instead of a grey pinafore or skirt (if necessary for religious reasons, white or grey leggings can be worn underneath)
- Grey shorts * can be worn instead of trousers
- School blazer is optional during the Summer term
- Black school shoes * (no trainers or sandals)
PE Kit
- Plain white polo shirt *
- Black shorts (summer) *
- Black tracksuit bottoms (winter) *
- Black or white trainers/plimsolls (no fashion shoes/pumps) *
School Bags
- All children should have an appropriate bag for carrying their books, homework and other materials, and another bag for their PE kit. All bags should have the child's name clearly marked on it.
- Burgundy book bags with academy logo (Rec. to Year 2) and burgundy rucksacks with academy logo (Years 3 - 6) are available to order from Ace Clothing (optional).
Purchasing school uniform
Our uniform supplier is Ace Clothing.
To avoid their delivery fee, take advantage of a FREE delivery service each week to school (during term time) and collect your items from us.
Second-hand items
Any unwanted items of uniform may be given to the school office. We host regular second-hand uniform sales where good quality items can be picked up for low cost.
Lost property
All mislaid items are placed in the lost property area. Please ask the academy office if you wish to look through thisarea. We endeavour to return all named property. All unclaimed lost property is disposed of at the end of term and given to a local children’s charity.
Further requirements
Hats, Headscarves or Headwear
Pupils are not allowed to wear hats, headscarves, or any other head covering inside the academy building unless it is due to religious or cultural reasons. Any head covering for religious or cultural values should be simple and in academy colours of burgandy and blue. Hats with the with the Ark Brunel logo are available for both summer and winter outdoor wear.
Pupils' hair should be clean and long hair should be tied back for health and safety. Hair bobbles, slides and hair bands should be in the academy colours. Pupils’ faces should not be obscured as the teacher may not be able to judge their engagement with learning and secure their participation in discussions and practical activities. Pupils may not wear designs or words cut into their hair or permanent or temporary coloured hair.
Fingernail Polish or Make-Up
Pupils are not allowed to wear fingernail polish or false nails. Make-up is not allowed.
Pupils may wear a watch (without sound effects or games). For pupils who have their ears pierced, only stud earrings are allowed, and they must be worn in the lower ear lobe. All studs must be removed for PE or taped. Please note that the academy will be unable to take any responsibility for any watches or jewellery that are lost.
Non-compliance with the Uniform Policy
There may be good reason why a child is not wearing academy uniform. In this case, parents and carers should share the reasons with the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher either in person or by letter. The academy will always be considerate and discrete in trying to establish why a pupil is not wearing the correct uniform. Pupils will not be made to feel uncomfortable, nor discriminated against, because their parent or carer is unable to provide them with the required items of the academy uniform. In line with our culture of honest conversation with parents or carers, we encourage discussion with the academy at the earliest opportunity if there are any difficulties.
There will be the occasions when the academy decides that academy uniform is not appropriate, e.g. when taking part in a physical activity day or wearing different clothes as a part of a fund raising event. Parents and carers will be notified in advance of what is the revised dress code on these days.